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Friday, December 01, 2006

Superior Wants a Library - Louisville's

Here's a peek at the December Yellow Scene article I wrote about the failure of Superior Ballot Issue 2A, which would have raised property taxes in that town to pay for library services.

In the face of a survey indicating that a library was the town's top priority, and Louisville getting more impatient, the Ballot issue was a savvy call. This could put off Louisville while waiting to see if people would really pay for this service they desire.

2A failed handily. The 65%-35% against represents over 1000 votes more than supporters.

Had Superior shown a willingness to commit some cash towards including a new library in a new town center development, or otherwise making such a building part of any future development, Louisville may have some incentive to be less concerned and more flexible with terms. Instead, Superior's smack-down of the library tax is a red flag to Louisville officials and taxpayers who should realize Superior's visits to their library are not about to diminish.

Those choices are not right or wrong, they simply show that most Superior residents prefer a community center to a library. Those wanting to browse the stacks can expect Louisville to charge them accordingly.

While my deadline was last week, it won't be out until next week. Turns out I'm not the only one dismayed by Superior's selfish decision. The Daily Camera editorial today rips them about it. And just to cement the point, Superior Trustees voted this week to remove a $75,000 payment to Louisville for library services from their 2007 budget. Louisville says the cost of services in 2007 to Superior residents equals about $288,000.

Even more pompous - Superior is forming a subcommitee to formulate a 2007 ballot proposal to fund a rec center. All this while saying they don't want to commit to a long term plan with Louisville for library funding.

Bah humbug.

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