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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

One Last Time: Vote For A!

My own letter to the editor that was posted to the Daily Camera's website last week; my submission with similar language last week to the Lafayette News didn't make the cut today...

"The Daily Camera editorial opposing Lafayette Issue A (Feb. 4,2007) dismayed me. As a member of the Lafayette Open Space Advisory Committee, I am committed to the continuous effort to acquire and maintain valuable parcels of land in our town.However, the opponents of 1A seem to forget that our open space program relies on tax revenue. I believe the location of this annexation, when compared to the priorities outlined in the City’s Open Space and Trails Master Plan, deserves to be supported.

The editorial’s bottom-line point that “more development equals less open space” is unfortunate, as it presumes "open space"status upon any undeveloped land, when true open space, in my mind, means land bought and paid for by an open space management agency or governmental department. With this definition, we set priorities for such acquisition with the funds available.Commercial development on this parcel will help fund the purchase and protection of even more crucial parcels around all of Lafayette.

It is unrealistic to lump all undeveloped land under the heading of "open space" to be protected. In the long run the methods of revenue generation to purchase true open space will be voted down (with this mindset) because any development at all is seen as anti-open space.

True open space isn't just "there" for free; we must fund our ideals. Our open space program strikes a pragmatic balance between the desire to avoid further development and the means to protect the best parcels. Given our Comprehensive Plan, voting No on A is just a temporary delay, as some kind of development will be proposed for the parcel. Worse, a No vote will mean a missed opportunity to increase open space funding – Erie has revealed Lowe’s interest if 1A fails. I encourage supporters of Lafayette’s open space program to vote Yes on Issue A."

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