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Thursday, March 01, 2007

County Reveals Long Time Open Space Negotiation

The County has been negotiating for a real buffer parcel acquisition on Lafayette's eastern border known informally as the "egg farm". I'm sure we will speak/hear about it tonight at the Lafayette Open Space Advisory Committee meeting. This has been a scenario pursued with a lot of discretion; to read about it in the Daily Camera is unfortunate - I would guess Lafayette's leadership didn't realize the County was going to speak to a reporter about this.

What's the quote in yesterday's Daily Camera by Jeremy Gregory all about? "This isn't the only avenue to stop this".


Anonymous said...

Uh Dannnn,

You were actually at the LOSAC meeting (which are open to the public, including newspaper reporters) when I brought the issue of the seemingly stalemated negotiations to LOSAC and they agreed to escalate this to council. Then when Sumner presented the County Two Creeks management plan to council I pointedly asked her again about the egg farm negotiations. Every time east county buffer issues come up I am always talking about the egg farm. So where is this discretion and secrecy you are concerned about?

Anonymous said...

I guess I was thinking of discretion as "not hig

Anonymous said...

Don't know what happened there... Anyway, I was thinking of discretion as "not highlighted in the newspapers". I figured an article about the coveteing of the property would only cause the 1/3rd owner to remain totally frozen in place, and the long-running efforts of Gary and Ron are better served by avoiding the spotlight.

I presume from a sheer negotiation tactics point of view, the city doesn't want a gioven property owner to feel like they have all the leverage because of our heightened state of urgency over aquisition. That's why I asked Gary what prompted the article in the Daily Camera.