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Monday, April 09, 2007

Erie Neighbors May Sue Over "Promise"

Some Erie Airpark residents say the Town Board promised them in 2000 they wouldn't see their neighborhood connected to Vista Ridge, which is now being discussed by some newer town leaders. This is a quandry to cause deep distrust and resentment, for the town needs the commercial revenue the connection could help support yet to snub the neighbors over their promise claims will be bureacracy at its worst.

Airpark residents who don't actually live on Bonanza Drive will have to fight symbolically, as the purported traffic increases won't be actually in front of their homes, But the folks along Bonanza Drive may end up taking one for the team, as it were, (meaning for the good of the town's budget) even against their will. Before that happens though, there's already lawsuit talk.


Anonymous said...

It's a tough issue. I can see why the Airpark community would be upset. They must have fought hard to stop the connection in the first place, unfortunately it sounds like a handshake agreement. I have cycled by the intersection in question numerous times and every time I wonder why there isn't a connection. It is only 100ft shy of being an actual intersection.

I think the bigger picture is how much control should specific communities have over the greater good for a city? Bonanza and Vista Parkway are connected by Sunset Dr, south of the potential intersection in question. Why isn't this enough? What will Erie do if they get shut out of another potential for long-term revenue growth?

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's time again for the Highway 7 mayoral exchange program. Mayor Moore had some super ideas for Lafayette last time around.

Anonymous said...

MayorSwap coming this fall on NBC. Watch the hijinks when equally mismatched municipal leaders try to run a neighboring community for a month. Budgetary and staff relations fireworks, don't miss it!

Anonymous said...

You guys/gals may be joking, but I think a temporary swap is a great idea!!! Imagine how much the newspapers would have to write about!

Anonymous said...

Raise the stakes - allow each Mayor to make one proclamation in honor of someone/something and allow one binding decision on a budgetary matter. Oooo, the ratings!