
This forum is a sounding board for a range of issues facing eastern Boulder County. I will prompt discussions with my posts and elected officials can tap into the concerns of citizens here, and explain their rationale on decisions. Follow along with the latest discussion by checking the list of recent comments on the right. You can comment with your name, a nickname or anonymously if you wish. You can become a contributor as well. Thank you for your comments!
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Tuesday, December 04, 2007


And so it comes to an end. 15 months, 416 posts and over 8000 unique daily visitors were part of this blog, and we had countless debates I found fun, enlightening, irritating and thought provoking. Those who have been a part of this since the beginning: Thank you for your invlovement. The best part was hearing behind the scenes from people how they learned something that changed their minds.

I disagree with the recent comments that somehow I should simply endure anonymous comments; that those in power (LOSAC?) should put up with heckling misses the point of what this forum was about. Potshots from the darkness may entertain, or rile, and add spice to a debate, but they also cause people to walk away. We had over a year of people commenting anonymously making their points without the types of messages that recently poisoned the blog.

By the way, I never received any kind of commission check for any ads on the blog; I never hit any threshold of clicks to qualify. This blog wasn't about making money.

While the ants at the picnic may have caused me to pack up from this spot, the great thing is I can be more choosy on my next cyber debate locale with the wisdom of this experience. Those willing to debate in good faith, I'll see you in the blogosphere again.

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