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Thursday, May 31, 2007

Downtown Longmont May Get More Parking

The Longmont City Council has voted informally to support the pleading of the downtown merchants regarding a redevelopment of a parcel on the 300 block of Main Street into a parking garage - at a minimum. The wish/pipe dream/best case scenario is for an involved mixed use development however the cost of a more involved building hasn't proven to be feasible, and a vote to extend a TIF for several years to fund the construction is a debatable factor in all this.

Last year a study of potential locations identified the 300 block as a priority if the premise was overall downtown economic development. The public financing part has been the sticking point for the last year or so. Then in October last year another study recommended the 400 block with a few condos. Last night they reviewed priced-out options and the public financing part is still up in the air.

Look for more details in two months. In the meantime, carpool downtown.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Another scam brought to you by our term limited idiots. The parking garage is for city employees at 3rd and Kimbark. It isn't needed, unless we expect a rash of pawn shop, payday loan and check's cashed, customers headed downtown.